
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Mock angel cake


See, I told you I'd do two recipes this week!
This is a delicious cake that is,honestly, very hard to make.
 I made it for my little brother's,(Caleb),birthday, on the 22nd.
He is turned 6. I love to see little kids when it is, or soon going to be their birthday!
They are so excited!

So, these are the ingredients. I will put the directions with it, because the directions are really important.

In the blue dish is powdered milk,because our goats aren't producing right now,and we didn't have very much rice milk, either.
In the yellow dish is egg whites. separating them isn't really that hard, but remember, no yolks!

This is actually egg whites! 

This is the mixture. ( I used the mixer!)

My adorable brother, and his cake.

This is the cookbook. My brother,(John),won it at a fair. He makes amazing turtle bread, that kept winning. 

A close up of the cake.He wanted a cake with a racetrack on it. Then he wanted people.
That is what you see all over.

1 c. sugar
1 c. flour
3 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp salt 
1 c. milk
3 egg whites
1 tsp. vanilla
Mike and Ikes and Smarties optional. :)

Combine sugar, flour, baking powder, salt; sift together 6 times.
Put into mixing bowl. bring milk to boiling. Immediately pour over
flour mixture, mixing well. Beat egg whites until soft peaks form;
fold into batter gently. Stir in vanilla. Pour into a greased and floured
9 by 13 in. pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 min. Cool. and frost and decorate as desired.

Now I want to share my little sister.
We dressed her up for church. But I think we might have dressed her up a little bit to much!
She didn't like it very much.
My brother took all of these.

Dressed up again, but I think this time she is half smiling.
She has such a cute pouty face!
I don't think she likes her chair very much.
Thanks so much for looking!

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