
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Baby sisters: Awesome posts!

I would have given you some of her really baby pics., but they weren't taken on my camera, so its hard to download them! Okay, but seriously, isn't she the cutest thing you ever saw? And its just gets worse! She just keeps getting cuter, which means she is getting older! AAAARRRGGG!!!!! ( Hehe!)
Can you believe it, she is almost walking!!! Well... Almost. She is walking along the couch. She is one!!! So old, so big...*sniff*. I took all but the last pic. my brother caught her standing without holding on. ( Of course she was leaning in the basket, but we'll just leave that part out.) Now this is a problem, she loves the stairs. BIG PROBLEM. Though she is pretty steady, She has only fallen once, and she caught herself and waited until someone saved her. Enjoy these, I'll take more someday. 

Hmm, should I trust her?

 I'll trust her. Hugs anyone?

 There she is again! You came back for more hugs?

Really?( Sarcastically.)

Adorable smiles? Sure!

Please tell me what you thought about them!


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