
Saturday, May 16, 2015

My adorable little sister!!!!!!

So here I am again, with a post about my new little sister! She is about 6 mo. 
She is the cutest thing  have ever seen!!!!! Mom had fun going to a consignment shop to shop for her, * sniff, sniff*, and she didn't take me with her! Boo-hoo! ( I love shopping for baby girls!) Any way, the funny thing is, in our church we have a wedding coming up for one of the older girls, and also baby on the way. So mom bought a dress for the new baby that is coming  to wear to the wedding. She went their house to drop off some clothes, and as she walked in the door, one of the daughters said that her mom was in labor! So my mom dropped off the clothes, and got out of there! She had to feed our baby so she stayed in the car in their driveway. About 10 min. after she left, the baby was born!!!! I got to hold the new baby when she was about 3 or 4 days old.They named her Kelan Grace! I love that name! ( Oh, by the way they named the new princess  in England Charlotte Elizabeth Diane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) As you can see I love everything about babies! ( except the diapers!) Ha ha! Okay, back to my sister, she needed to be posted about, so here it is :

See, you have to admit, she is adorable. And you see why she needed to be posted about.Sorry that they are fuzzy, it was super hard to get a good picture. Okay see you all next time!( I haven't heard a peep out of you all! Except my sister) I am leaving her blog address.



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