
Thursday, May 21, 2015

April showers bring May flowers

Hello out there!
     I am back with another post! I loved getting this one ready! Half of these are taken on a sunny day, and half  taken on  a rainy day. ( It is kinda hard not to get a rainy picture since we live in a very wet area! It is a lot better in the summer          though.) Can you believe how fast the spring is going? Spring is one of my favorite seasons, because the flowers are        blooming, the birds are always singing, and it is warm enough to do school outside in comfort ! So, I hope you all enjoy looking at these as much as I had taking them!


                                                                   I absolutely love roses!           


These are dutch Iris'. They are like a mini Iris'.
 I have no idea what this is, but it was pretty!

 My Dad says this is a peonie.

This is the rainy half.

I learned how to handle a camera from my  older sister, Becca. 
I love taking pictures of water droplets! I will try to post something other than flowers next time! Hehe!
Talk to you next time,!


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