
Thursday, May 21, 2015

April showers bring May flowers

Hello out there!
     I am back with another post! I loved getting this one ready! Half of these are taken on a sunny day, and half  taken on  a rainy day. ( It is kinda hard not to get a rainy picture since we live in a very wet area! It is a lot better in the summer          though.) Can you believe how fast the spring is going? Spring is one of my favorite seasons, because the flowers are        blooming, the birds are always singing, and it is warm enough to do school outside in comfort ! So, I hope you all enjoy looking at these as much as I had taking them!


                                                                   I absolutely love roses!           


These are dutch Iris'. They are like a mini Iris'.
 I have no idea what this is, but it was pretty!

 My Dad says this is a peonie.

This is the rainy half.

I learned how to handle a camera from my  older sister, Becca. 
I love taking pictures of water droplets! I will try to post something other than flowers next time! Hehe!
Talk to you next time,!


Saturday, May 16, 2015

My adorable little sister!!!!!!

So here I am again, with a post about my new little sister! She is about 6 mo. 
She is the cutest thing  have ever seen!!!!! Mom had fun going to a consignment shop to shop for her, * sniff, sniff*, and she didn't take me with her! Boo-hoo! ( I love shopping for baby girls!) Any way, the funny thing is, in our church we have a wedding coming up for one of the older girls, and also baby on the way. So mom bought a dress for the new baby that is coming  to wear to the wedding. She went their house to drop off some clothes, and as she walked in the door, one of the daughters said that her mom was in labor! So my mom dropped off the clothes, and got out of there! She had to feed our baby so she stayed in the car in their driveway. About 10 min. after she left, the baby was born!!!! I got to hold the new baby when she was about 3 or 4 days old.They named her Kelan Grace! I love that name! ( Oh, by the way they named the new princess  in England Charlotte Elizabeth Diane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) As you can see I love everything about babies! ( except the diapers!) Ha ha! Okay, back to my sister, she needed to be posted about, so here it is :

See, you have to admit, she is adorable. And you see why she needed to be posted about.Sorry that they are fuzzy, it was super hard to get a good picture. Okay see you all next time!( I haven't heard a peep out of you all! Except my sister) I am leaving her blog address.



Thursday, May 7, 2015

My life last week


 Today is just a review on last week, because I didn't get around to posting, ( Like usual! )so here goes. I made a rhubarb pie and let me tell you, they are a lot of work, but it is fun any way, and worth the work. So, here is how I do it:
1.Get a hold of some rhubarb
2. Wash it really good
3. Chop it up into little pieces
4. Add everything in the recipe
If you girls have a different rhubarb recipe, give me the recipe in your comments and I will try to make it.
Our rhubarb bush doesn't have anymore rhubarb on it because I used it all on these pies, so I have know idea if I will actually be able to, so no promises!

 I forgot to get a picture of the dough all rolled out, so this is all there is.

Rhubarb pie:

4 cups rhubarb, chopped in little pieces
1/13 to 1
/23 cups sugar
1/3 cup flour
1/2 tsp. orange peel if desired
2 Tbsp. butter
You can probably get a hold of a recipe of the crust, but this is what I use:
Two-crust pie:
2/3 cup, 2 Tbsp. butter
2 cups flour
1 tsp. salt
4 to 5 Tbsp cold water
This crust always seems to be flaky, but I love it anyway!
We also went to a clothing shop, because  my little sister and I needed some skirts and shirts, we picked out some really pretty one's, so I decided to post it, and show you all.

I worked for that picture!!!!

T- shirt: $5.00
Skirts: $5.00
I got another skirt that is cream and really lacy: $8.00
( It is floor length!)

This is my little sis Julia, and that is her new skirt.

So I got some pictures of a swarm my brothers and my dad boxed. I took a video too but the video was awful.( partly because I ma not a pro, and partly because, in case you didn't know, IT IS REALLY HARD TO HOLD A CAMERA STILL!!!!!!!)  Don't count on getting another post this week, because as you all know, I am really bad at scheduling posting days. but don't let that discourage you from checking, 'cause maybe I will! You never know! ( especially with me! ) Anyway, I  want to do some more accessorizing, so be sure to tell me what you think, and what you think I should add. By the way all you bloggers, if you leave a link in your comment to your blog, I love checking out blogs!!!!!  
                                                                   Please, please, please, leave me a comment!!!!!!
                                                                                          Talk you ya'll later!
