
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Thanksgiving pies;)


Or rather happy 'late' thanksgiving! I meant to post these thanksgiving day, but our schedule has been pretty crazy. So this are the pies we made. but these are about a quarter of the pies a family we know made. 24 pies!!!!!! And last thanksgiving they made 32!!! They were eating pies for the next few months! We went and visited them right after thanksgiving, and guess what? We ate pies!!:) 
So, why am I writing this post? Wait, I think... I remember! We're we talking about Thanksgiving? I can't remember!!!! 

So again, Happy Thanksgiving!;)

Hey, just for laughs, tell me how many and what kinds of pies you made!


Sunday, November 22, 2015

Baby sisters: Awesome posts!

I would have given you some of her really baby pics., but they weren't taken on my camera, so its hard to download them! Okay, but seriously, isn't she the cutest thing you ever saw? And its just gets worse! She just keeps getting cuter, which means she is getting older! AAAARRRGGG!!!!! ( Hehe!)
Can you believe it, she is almost walking!!! Well... Almost. She is walking along the couch. She is one!!! So old, so big...*sniff*. I took all but the last pic. my brother caught her standing without holding on. ( Of course she was leaning in the basket, but we'll just leave that part out.) Now this is a problem, she loves the stairs. BIG PROBLEM. Though she is pretty steady, She has only fallen once, and she caught herself and waited until someone saved her. Enjoy these, I'll take more someday. 

Hmm, should I trust her?

 I'll trust her. Hugs anyone?

 There she is again! You came back for more hugs?

Really?( Sarcastically.)

Adorable smiles? Sure!

Please tell me what you thought about them!


Monday, October 26, 2015


Hey guys! Does anyone have any post ideas?:(
Come on, spill the beans, I need some help here! 
Try this! I close my eyes and the wind blows my hair! Talk about awesome! It's like I can feel God speaking to me, and saying,( when I had had a hard few moments,) " Peace, be still." Then I feel like all of the raging storms that had threatened to burst me, just disappeared! All my jumbled thoughts fall in to place and I can open my eyes and see that I have nothing that is not to hard for God to take care of. As I think about these things, I can literally feel like when I open my eyes, I can face life again. I hope you take this seriously and try it. Next time you have a fight with a sibling and feeling like ' There is no way I'm going back there ever,' try this. Its the perfect recipe!


Friday, October 2, 2015


I have been totally obsessed with the sunset. :) These are the different stages of our sunsets here in 
WA. By the way, these were taken with the 'super vivid' color setting, they were not exactly as bright.
                                                                     So, take a look.

This one looks like the sky is on fire!
It gets dark at about 7:00 now so we get to enjoy the pretty sunsets. I know this is a short post but really all I wanted to say was enjoy the sunsets! They don't last forever. 
Tell me what you think!

*<3 Mary <3*

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The most adorable child ever!

Sorry these are fuzzy!:( she was moving while I took them.
So, this is my cutest littlest sister! She is just starting to crawl so  she is getting into trouble. Besides the fact she is now starting to eat avocado's, peaches, (blended of course!) bananas, and little pieces of bread. She has got so much bigger! She used to weigh 3.12 lbs. and measured 15 3/4 in. She was tiny!
Have fun looking at these!  They're special! I took them right after she took her first crawls! 
( " Crawls" ? Is that a word?;)  )

She has huge eyes and almost never smiles for someone she hasn't seen. . She is super observant, cute
adorable, hilarious, curious, ... I can't name everything.!
Anyway, I love her even though she may give surprises in her diaper !... Hehe!!!!

*<3 Mary <3*

Thursday, September 3, 2015

This is one of my favorite things!

This is a total coincidence, but my sister at just did a post about her favorite things about fall, and one of them was pies. These are peach pies, but this year I have made apple, blackberry, blueberry, and now peach. So in case you haven't guessed, I love making pies! It makes it way more delicious if you make it yourself. We even make our own crust! This is whole wheat flour so it is dark. Its so flaky, and it melts in your mouth!

My Grandpa was the one that really got me to love making pies. When he came up once in a while, We would make apple pies, with lattice top crust! Though, he bring store bought crust.He loves making pies too. Actually, he likes to bake, and to garden. So does Grandma. They have a huge garden, and they bring up all the extra veggies and such, and fruit, so we get stocked up for winter! I have been sitting inside, doing math and school and being cozy, because it so cold! I think fall has come a little early! I didn't get enough swimming, running, and sunshine! If fact, this year has been kinda weird. We had flowers blooming in January, Basically no rain in the spring and now September is freezing! Now I can start posting about fall leaves, and cute clothes. Should I stop talking? Fine!! If I have to! PIES MAKES FALL THE BEST SEASON OF ALL!( Among other things!)

How's your week going?

*<3 Mary <3*

Thursday, August 27, 2015


I went running with my brothers a couple of days ago, and noticed that at 6:00 am, it is really pretty! I liked this picture because of all the pastel colors. Lavender, violet, pink, yellow, orange,  green and blue. It is like a rainbow! And when we came outside to the road, there was mist everywhere! We got to run through it! If I had the camera I would a taken a picture. And guess who made the sunrise, and the mist? Yes, God!only He could make such a beautiful thing as a sunrise in Washington! 
How has your week been going?:)

*<3 Mary <3*

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Seattle is amazing!

My Trip to Seattle : )

My mom wanted to get together with a friend she hadn't seen for 5 years. James ( my 3 year old brother), Luke( my 8 year old brother), Lydia, and I headed up there with her. Mom's friend had a 13 year old daughter, so I went, and a 9 year old son, so Luke went. We took James because Rebecca was staying with the remaining kids, and James is kinda hard. Lydia is nursing so Mom had to take her. These were all taken from a moving car, so they're blurry.

 Seattle has huge skyscrapers! ( Or so I think coming from a small town!)
 And the drive up was beautiful!

 I have only seen the Space Needle once before! 
 This was a accident, but it is pretty! Ivy near a tunnel in downtown Seattle.
 Huge, but amazing buildings!

And the Olympia state capitol dome. ( This all we could see from the road.) 

Did you enjoy the pictures? 
'Cause I've got more coming!!!
'Till next time!

*<3 Mary <3*

Monday, August 10, 2015

Sausage cornbread

Hello there!

Does anyone have any blog post idea's?:(
I can't think of anything so I end up posting recipes! Well, since I can't think of anything, I'll have to do another recipe post. We were heading to friends wedding, but we weren't sure if they would serve a actual dinner so mom asked me to make this. It was really good.
This was actually a while ago but I never got a chance to post it so I'm gonna do it today.
Instructions printed below:

So, here goes: 
1. Choose a favorite cornbread recipe
2. Make it
3. Chop sausage into little pieces
4. Fry sausages
5. Layer bottom of pan with sausages 
6. Pour cornbread batter into pan

I learned this the hard way, but don't just pour it in, kinda drizzle it on so, it doesn't push the sausages to the sides of the pan.Well, comment if you tried it!

*<3 Mary <3*

Friday, July 31, 2015

It took a while but I'm okay!


Recently I put curlers in my hair after taking a shower, so that it would be curly in the morning.
I think this was a little over curly! It was a lot of fun though! I actually wanted it like this, but I wasn't expecting it to be that curly! I love curling my hair, don't you?! My hair is naturally wavy so the curls last for days! My sister helped me get it out of my face. Do you have a sister who saves you from being smothered in you own hair? Don't ever let her move out! As long as I curl my hair with curlers, I'll need her! So, how's your week been?

                                                                *<3 Mary <3*

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

My hobby, and my mom's hobby. Shopping.

Generally I would have filled this post with a lot of ' sorry I didn't post' , but the truth is, summer is really busy, so I haven't been able to post! Though our calendar for the rest of the summer on is pretty calm, so hopefully I can do more posting! Anyway, you already know what my hobby is, now let me tell you what my moms hobby is. She loves to shop, especially if there are no 3 year old's running around everywhere! She will be going to the grocery store to get butter, a couple loaves of bread, and lettuce, and come walking out of the store with 2 carts full! Seriously, all you who have homeschooling moms, you know what I mean! So the other day she was going to have a shopping day with the boys, and professionally picked out this adorable dress for me at a thrift store. ( We like thrift stores, their cheap!) I thought I would decorate it with one of my youngest rabbits! 

What did you think? What is your moms hobby? :) 
How has your week been?

*<3 Mary <3*

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

10 random facts that you probably didn't know about me

                                                        ( Don't you love this picture?)            
                                  *Sorry about the lack of posts, but I have been super busy!*
                To make up for it, shall I tell you something about me? Here are some random facts:
  • I love to read.(especially mystery's and mid-evil books with knights, lords and lady's in them.) 

  • I wish I could have a horse.

  •  My favorite color is blue.

  •  My family has 12 kids.

  •  I love holidays, but I think my favorite is Easter. Think about what happened from a Christians point of view.

  •  I share a room with my little sister, Julia.

  •   My family has a 'minor' farm. ( Ask about it your comments!)

  •  I love ice cream!

  •  I am the family milk maid. ( We have goats.)

  •  Our house was built on a hill. 


What do you think? You know how to tell me! If you see anything that you and I have in common in this list, please tell me! You can also leave a e-mail address and we can chat. Have a great week!


                                                     *<3 Mary *<3

Monday, June 15, 2015

My hobby: Rabbits

 I have been pretty busy and have not got around to posting for a while,( or more like a week and a half!) so I decided to post today and make up for it. I was thinking about what to post about and thought that I already had pictures of my rabbits, so why not post about them?! Besides, I haven't really told you a lot about them! Okay, so here goes: In February I got the rabbits. One of the original does died so I got another to replace her. She had babies and that is what made me think you might like to see them. They are the cutest! I am keeping the grey one and selling the one in the first picture. I am hoping to sell all of them though. Enjoy!

Aren't they adorable? I love them! I just had a rabbit have 3 babies this morning, so I am very excited. The black and white ones in the photos above look alike but if you look closely you can see a difference. Would you like to buy one?:) Please tell me what you thought in your comments.


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

God is good!!

Wow, I haven't posted in over a week!
I  first became a Christian when our family was having devotions when I was 6. My brother David, asked if he could pray with my parents after devotions, and become a Christian. Of course, my parents were delighted as any Christian parent would be, and said yes. I  asked the next night and also prayed with my parents. I think at the time that was more of a not wanting to be left out, but as I got older, I realized that being a Christian is a lot more then just praying and asking God to forgive your sins and help you to follow Him that one time. When I realized this, I got to thinking that maybe being a Christian was a whole lot more  than I thought it would be.

 Being a Christian doesn't mean you say 'The Prayer', and than just attend church, make sure your not doing any really bad stuff, and than everything will be fine.Or thinking you will get showered with blessings, and you will no longer have sins, I sometimes think this way. Being a Christian has much more to it!( Let me tell you out of experience!). I started reading the Bible almost every day, I tried to be kind and loving, but still this is not enough. We cannot just say'The Prayer', and move on. We must dwell in Christ, and then He will dwell in us.

 We must call upon Him in humility and repentance, and pour out our hearts an be grateful for all He has done for us, and  He will answer, and forgive us every day. When we give ourselves to Him fully, He will never forsake us! EVER! I hope this has been a encouragement to you all, as all of us need what the Bible has to say! I hope you will take this seriously and not just think that, 'Well, I am not doing bad stuff, so I don't really need God'! He loves you dearly and wants to have us all in Heaven with Him someday!

Until next time!,


(You can share your testimony in you comments!)