
Sunday, June 17, 2018

Catching Up

                      Image result for real fairy tale pictures                 

So, to begin, yes, I'm still alive. But life happens and blogging is about the last thing on my list of things to do.  To tell the truth, I'm not really busy. I'm home almost 24/7. But, yeah... blogging just doesn't happen. Partly because I find it nearly impossible to find things to write about. But today, I will catch you up and, well, I'm not making any promises, but I will try to post more than once a year.

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  • Happy Fathers Day! I always feel weird wishing a happy fathers day to people who are not dads, but I guess it's a day to celebrate our dads. 

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I also find it weird to talk about myself, so bear with me.  Right,  now I'm done talking about myself. Kidding. 

                                                                           things I'm interested in:

<~> Writing. It's basically every homeschooled girls dream to write a story. They usually don't get anywhere, but have some fun nonetheless. For me, I'm getting a little more serious and considering it as a career. I have never actually finished a story, short story or novel, but am hoping to in the next year or two. 

<~> ...
Okay, moving on. 


<~> Writing.

<~> Reading. I think that goes without saying.

Wow, I'm actually really boring. 

                                                         Upcoming events:

<~> I'm going to be an aunt!!!! Excuse me for a second while I scream. the announcement

<~> My family went insane early last year and got three puppies. Excuse me while I scream again. We're going to have puppies in the beginning of July. Not nearly as exciting as becoming an aunt, but still worth mentioning. 

<~> Summer. But I have no idea what I'm doing this summer, so don't ask. ( probably going out for ice cream every day)

Well... as short as that was, I can't think of anything else. You know, all you people who blog every day and have really creative posts and have a gazillion followers, you rock. I can't even imagine doing that. I think I stick with my once every few months. Okay, so maybe every month since I 'didn't ' promise to do better. 


Image result for real fairy tale pictures
All these pictures are just for fun, btw.