
Saturday, February 27, 2016

Here we go again!!!

Hello there!
I really am going to start doing more posts, but I need some suggestions.( Meaning I need someone to comment and tell me some ideas;) This post really has no original plan, so I'm going to call it my catch up post, that will mark the beginning of more 'about one thing' posts. But I will do a little paragraph of each picture so that we are not reading a jumbled mess about a ton of stuff!

Lydia was so tired, she forgot to cry to be put in bed. 
Or else she was to cozy to leave. 
Cute, huh?

We have a silly bush in our yard that blooms in Dec., Jan., and Feb.
It was blooming when we had our only snowfall that was more than 1/2 in.
I like how its focusing clearly on the flower, but you can still see 
that the white stuff in the background is snow.

This child won't stop growing even though we have told her to. 
She say's 'bop' as she bops the balloon with her head. She loves it!
She also loves jewelry, that's why you see that necklace around her neck.
She loves attention too.:) Of course!!
She will dance, as in stomping her feet, and twirl if you will just look at her.
 She has a temper, and if you don't get her what she wants, she will stomp her feet and yell.
Quite a lady!!

It finally cleared up enough now that you can go outside without being drenched.
It has also cleared up enough that you can take pictures of the sunsets!
I think that the winter down pours are finally over, but here come the spring showers!

I went on a bike ride with one of my brothers, to a lake about 3/4 miles from our house, and I lugged the camera along.There were ducks and this heron at this lake. There were about 10 ducks swimming, and all this lazy heron was doing was sitting there!! Naughty little thing!:)

Well, I think that's about it, but I will post again soon. 
It won't be another 2 months!
